Pandemic Silver Linings

Pandemic Silver Linings Kim
Zoom Wardrobe – Suit jacket, Align Tank Top, Joggers and Sneakers.

It only takes a brief walk in town to realize the world has changed. Masks, closed store fronts, hotels, and empty offices all serve to remind us that this Pandemic has changed everything. And, while it often seems that life will never be the same and I’m tempted to hold a big pity party, I must remind myself that positivity is a deliberate choice, and even this pandemic has silver linings.

Positive thinking is powerful. Every day you have the opportunity to choose a positive mindset. What comes to mind when you think of a friend or family member who is a positive influence in your life? Does that person have integrity, resilience, courage, focus, graciousness, mindfulness, or optimism?  

I try to find the “silver lining” in all situations, even when seeing it seems next to impossible. I’ve discovered that glimmers of hope seem to emerge when I least expect them. And I have to confess that Covid-19 has tested my ability to look on the bright side of things.

However, when I took the time to actually focus on the positives, I came up with quite the list of favorite pandemic silver linings: 

  • Wearing a mask while biking has undoubtedly cut down on the number of bugs swallowed while riding at dusk. 
  • Enjoying flights on Southwest and no longer worrying about someone taking the center seat. 
  • Boarding the plane from the rear. Did it really take Covid-19 for airlines to realize this? 
  • Waiting in the car for doctor appointments, confident that they are not triple booking anymore.   
  • Wearing joggers for everything definitely cut down on my laundry bill. Yes, I have my zoom wardrobe of suit coat on top and Vuori joggers and sneakers below. 
  • Helping neighbors and older friends while dropping off groceries and meals. 
  • Driving and parking less and enjoying all the new Streetaries. 
  • Riding my bike more as roads are becoming pedestrian and bicycle friendly. 
  • Using QR Codes that finally have a purpose, thanks to restaurants teaching patrons how to use them to scan menus. 
  • Spending MUCH more time with my youngest daughter even while fighting over the volume of my zoom calls being too loud. (She eventually asked me to just go to the office.) 
  • Grocery pick-up and delivery is widely available. I will most likely never enter a grocery store again. 
  • I’ve met some amazing people through twitter and facebook.
  • I had to think through our business model and expand our business lines to offer additional services.
  • Baking a few times a week and sharing sourdough starter with friends, while turning my home into a gourmet bakery. 
  • Playing board games with the family that we’ve resurrected from old boxes in the basement. 
  • Seeing the amazing effects of climate change slowing down firsthand. 
  • Watching my English Golden Retriever and Toy Pomeranian running for joy. Pretty sure they are in heaven with people home all the time. 
  • Trying on all my clothes in the privacy of my own home, and NEVER having to enter a fitting room again. 
  • Skipping makeup on everything EXCEPT my eyes, knowing that no one sees anything below my mask anyway.  

Looking back at times in my life where I failed to find positivity, even years later, for every single event, I can now see the “silver lining.” What I learned was to go with it, accept whatever comes my way, pivot if necessary, and always make the best of every situation. The silver lining will appear someday. Read more about me on Medium or our Community Outreach, Rise Together.

Kim Ford, SIOR, LEED AP – Rise Pittsburgh

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